Journal-In Memory of Jerry DeClasse

Yesterday I had the opportunity, but sadly attend the funeral of a young Haitian man who was suspiciously killed two weeks ago, Jerry.  A young and intelligent Christian 20 year old attending the University of Florida. 

It was the first funeral that I have attended since Timothy's death. I was not sure how I would react. I was so afraid that I would break down and cry. As I approached the coffin, I saw how clean cut he was, hair and beard, dressed in a black/white tux and bow time with white gloves.  I whispered to him to make sure he said 'hello" to Timothy for me and that I will pray for his family. 

A Haitian funeral is so different. The loud wailing with the cries. One man pratically jumped over the pew I was afraid to attack another mourner.  But as they were about to close the coffin, the family yelled out repeatedly, "I love your Jerry."  It was then I felt I would cry.  This family had to decide to turn off the life support on this man and even if at the time they had to say "good bye' to him, they were now having closure with him.

I know every family grieves differently.  There is no doubt how the haitians or even how the Latinos or the Europeans or the Asians or how the Americans grieve, what really impressed me the most was not only as they gather around the coffin as a family to say their good-byes, but that they loudly express during their mourning..."I love you Jerry."  

During the tributes, Jerry's mother got up to speak, but not only did she speak, she also sang...beautifully.  To me I jokingly thought to myself, if I got up and sang, not only would family and friends take the mic from me or run, I think even Timothy would had jumped out of the coffin and ran. 

I don't know if any other family did this for Timothy before leaving the funeral home, I know for sure I did. Maybe not as loud as the DeClasse family, but I believe Timothy knew how much I loved him even as he was dying in my arms.

Jerry's death is still investigation- although some of us have some suspicion, I know in his heart he belong to God and I pray as that button was turned off for his last breath, he was at peace with God.

Rest in Peace Jerry. God loved you as much alive as He does in your sleep. But before you know it, when your open your eyes, Jesus will be right there to welcome you into the kingdom of Heaven. It will be like a quick nap-only a dream.

May God wrap His comforting arms around the DeClasse family. Please keep them in your prayers.

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