Journal- I miss you so much

My dear son,Timothy:

I miss you so much. Today, its like the overwhelming grief hit me. I cry for you. I am in so much of fear suddenly without you. You brought so much to me and now without you, I feel so incomplete.

I can't believe you are gone. Its not possible that you have left me forever. I miss so much talking to you. I find my self trying to find you just to tell you stuff...all kinds of stuff. Things that are happening now, the changes, the new tv shows, the new movies.

Today my body shakes...I miss you so much.  I lay here crying for you. I am so so sorry to what happened to you.   I wish so much I would had known more to tell you what is going on.   I can't believe you are gone. I had to take something to calm the anxiety I feel, the shakiness, the anxiousness, the fear,  the loneliness,  the breakdown.

Its only a few days until Christmas day.  It will be my first Christmas without you.  I won't have you here to celebrate the holiday with.  I find myself wanting to buy things for you because I know you need it or would like it. 

I want to make this holiday special. Make a change. Make it special in your memory.  You deserve it.

Ohhhhhh Timothy, I miss you so much.   I love you so much.  I can't believe you are gone.  Please come back to me.

I want to wrap my arms around you and hug you more...and rub your head and kiss you. Oh Tim my son,  I miss you so much.   I love you.   Why are you gone.

Please come back to me.  Please wipe these tears away from me.  

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