I had painted a Memorial wall for Timothy on 34th Street here in Gainesville. Its a wall that allows people to come and express themselves. But some of the "expressions" were not truly expression but more like hideous hate and disrespect.

But as I stood there, weeping for the pain of not only the lost of my son, Tim, but what these immature disrespectful young people did to his wall...& their wall. Why have these children not been taught to respect those spots that bring memory and connect to those families...parents, spouses, children, friends. Like the respect of their dignity has been tramped upon.

I needed to see the light to why that one framed wall was so privileged while others were being vandalized, disrespected. It was becoming clear to me, a wall to express ourselves but yet we see so much of this "expression" as not pure art but more like vandalism and it was allowed.

While I stood there, weeping, hurting with this heart break of not having Tim in my life, I realized something...I know sounds stupid and crazy, but maybe I need to use Black, White and Red. Colors I did not see as cheery...but maybe he will get the attention and maybe these soldiers would too. And then the unspeakable happened.
As I stood there, leaning against the wall...weeping, a Gainesville police officier pulled up with his lights on. As I approached his car, I noticed he was yapping away on a personal call and suddenly out of the blue he started to yell at me.
"You can not park here." His face seemed red and he also seem to look confused. I looked at him trying to get his attention but it seems his call was more important. My face already in a motherly distress, my eyes (and nose) already red from the crying. And I responded...
"Well I have seen others cars parked here.." not allowing me to finish, he rudely interrupts and yells "..only to unload then you have to leave." and I'm like what? why would you unload and leave. And where in the hell do you park? It did not make sense. My car wasn't even parked on the street. It was off the street and partially on the sidewalk. And I know I have seen so many cars parked here when painting, so his theory was full of crap. So I just walked away from his car, mumbling, and again leaned against the wall and wept more.
This police officer did not stop to check on my well -being. He could careless. He was more concern over his stupid phone conversation and a vehicle that was not even parked on the street. He drove off not looking back to see if I had jumped in front of a car!!! No sympathy. No compassion. No empathy. Nothing. Cold. Heartless.
So I wept more. I really didn't want to cause any problems with the police. There had been way to much of this crap going on nationally. So in utter distress, I just got into the car and left...for the fear of him coming back to verbally abuse me again.

To me...it would be sweet revenge.
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