Journal -Whiz kids

I am sorry I am like 7 seven days behind. I got so busy working on the yard and then threw my back out and have been in so much pain that even the computer didn' t matter.  I have not been able to sleep or find a good position to be in and am having so much low back pain.  So today, Physical therapy has been added to my life wonders. Hope I can get Dareck back.

It has been an adventurous week.  I don't know what to share because my mind has gone blank. I do remember taking Judy shopping at Wal-mart and different places. We even went to the Craft show. That was fun. I have been also working on my Christmas cards. I'm behind a few days but determine to get them in the mail tomorrow.

This last week, sadly, we have lost 3 young boys to DMD.  Seems like we are loosing boys with DMD like left & right and they are much younger too. It is so sad and heartbreaking.  This really tells me how much sooner Jesus is coming. This is why I making sure that my heart and soul ready for Heaven. I want to be there not only for all His glory that He has set before me but also to see family especially Timothy.  Ohhh I look forward to this day.

In my last journal,I talked about Timothy and his puppies & kittens.   Today, although I can't make up for the last 7 days, I can try to share at least one (maybe two) memories of Timothy. 

My son, Timothy, was considered a smart ass boy. I mean intelligent.  To me, a genius. I knew he had this gene from his dad, definitly not me.  I always considered Victor to be smart even if at times his behavioral and attitude showed stupidity. Even Timothy saw that, hence why he could not stand his father. However this memory is not about his dad, its about Tim.

Tim got high honors in high school and applied to two difference colleges with hope to get into University of Florida.  He had a desire to be a Vet.   When he finally was accepted into UF, he literally jumped for joy.  I was proud of him...that despite his physical disability, mentally he was definitely all there and he was going to a University that was not easy to get in. 

So the weekend of his graduation from Sebring High,  we moved to Gainesville.  IT may be a small 2 bedroom apt.  WE were able to help him with assistence for classes. We also found a CNA who would come help him at home.  Brian Austin is his name and what a proud Christian he is.

Tim had a math class, it was above the algebra...sorry my mind went blank to what it is called. any how- the undergraduate student/professor was from Greece.  He was gorgeous. so I would tease him that these math problems were to greek to me.  Even if I found it funny and so did the professor, Tim, of course, found it to be lamb.  Of course!!!  He was great with his sarcasm but if I tried it, it was lamb to him. lol  Tim was a professional went it came to sarcasm.   Funny how he would use it and some family members just didn't get it.

During Tim's second semester, he became ill with pneumonia (again). He missed at least two weeks of classes.  By the time he returned, he was able to catch up with classes. By his final semester/exams I constantly got after him about studying. I wanted to make sure he kept his GPA up.  He kept telling me it was ok. I was fustrated at him, seems like his anime was more important than his classes. I even tried to talk him into taking classes at Santa Fe and take online classes.It seem to me he was giving up. I continue to encourage him.  Oh by the way, when I needed to be tutored for the algebra, he refused to help, knowing how impossible I may be. .

Then it was time for his final exams. I think I did more of pacing the floors then he did.  It was like I lacked the confidence him.  Like a typical mom, I probably was annoying him on his studies.  But in the end, Tim passed all his classes and left UF with a GPA of 3.75.

Tim had a knowledge that was beyond our scope.  He would absorb things that would apply to life and hung onto that knowledge. He was a whiz.  oh how I wish he was still here.

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