One time I was admitted into the hospital for Cardio issues. My sister, who always thinks these illnesses are at the wrong time (tax season for her)...doesn't get that "heart attacks" don't know the time table. So instead of coming up to help me with Tim, fortunately, Bryan came to the rescue in the evenings. Otherwise, me the sick one and in hospital was giving up my bed for my son. He came first, priority in my life and no one understood this better than Byran. I knew health wise I needed help, but I also knew Tim's needs had to be met too. And if family didn't want to be bother,that meant I had to put out more for someone's paycheck. I knew Bryan could not be there 24/7- after all he was attending classes too. and which by the way, we were really at the ER for Tim, not me. And somehow I ended admitted and Tim never got attended to as planned. Hence why I gave up my bed for him.
Bryan had spent most of his 4-5 years here at UF doing alot of missions work. A dedicated Christian, he not only wanted to help in the physical well-being but also the spiritual well-being as well. From his Bachelors to his Masters and now he is currently working on his Ph.D. Yes, he is a dedicated Register nurse. He even worked in MICU where Tim "vacationed" a lot at Shands. Although never was Tim's actual nurse, he would stop by to say "hi." It was just always so good to see Bryan again. He is always smiling and seem to be always in a cheerful matter. Like an adopted son.

As a previous professional wedding photographer myself, I wanted to stay behind to take photos...not many but enough to get a good one of the bride and groom...and from my cell phone camera. I no longer could do professional work due to my eyes that had worn down. But as I left, I sort of laughed how the young gal there was going about it and although she was doing a great job, I saw room for a lot of improvements. I mean although she is now living in the digital world, I came from when we had film. Film. that meant stopping to reload. Which meant we needed more than one camera, more often 3-4. And it was just not any Kodak film. It had to be special film for such great events. Now in days, you can even videotape on cameras you shoot from...where were these cameras in my days. Oh yeah, they were around but back then they cost thousands of dollars. Where now they are can cost up to a few hundred to a few thousand. See Bryan's wedding photos.
While dancing with Bryan (ok I'm guilty, I did butt in with the Bride..hey I can for once dance with a groom, something I will never be able to do with my son), one of the strongest encouragements I made to him was to remember that no matter what, Keep God first in your life and in your marriage and to remember that it is God who will keep the glue in your marriage. I expressed to him how I was happy and proud of him and how he kept his eye on the goal and stuck to it. Bryan grew up while attending college...he grew up to be a strong, mature, strong in faith & yes even handsome man-a man for God (and yes for Amanda too!).
I am very happy for Bryan. He has been on the right track for career wise and seem to have finally met the girl of his dreams. He knew what he wanted and kept his eye on that goal. I also think that because he had God mostly in his life, God will surely blessing him with so much.
The wedding and reception was a blast and the food was great. The dancing was awesome but what really thrilled me...I actually caught the boutique.
Well...I jumped for it. Amanda threw it, there were plenty of cute single gals there...but some how the boutique ended up on the floor like no one made any effort to catch it and the only two who jumped on it was me and the maid of honor. And I guess, me,this oldie was a bit faster than she was. When we got up from the floor, we were laughing and I told her she needed to be faster than me. I'm sure she was disappointed that she didn't get it, but I gave her a hug anyhow. But me...the one with the left side weakness (stroke), the one who had a little bit to much weight, managed to not only throw myself down onto it, but actually got it before the young hands can touch it. I was shocked. Funny as it may be, it was still an awesome experience.
...and by the way, Bryan was born on Valentines day. No wonder he is such a romantic guy!
See Bryan's Wedding Photos (and maybe videos too!)
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