I have wondered for years why God would allowed suffering to a child. It was not God. It was sin. Not Tim's sins, but the sins of our fathers. From the very beginning, when Adams ate from that apple tree- his sins and the sins of his son's and grand children and so on.

When Timothy died, I felt that grief and pain especially after how much Timothy had suffered, I understood for the first time what God had experienced when He saw what Jesus went through and how He died on the cross. He died for us. Timothy may have not endured as much as Jesus did, but enough for God to show me what He had experienced, his pain, heartache & grief;, not only as Jesus Father, but our Heavenly father too.

For the first time this week, i realized why God put Tim in my life. Although I was asking God to please change and heal Timothy, all along, He gave Timothy to change me and to HEAL me.
It doesn't mean I still don't miss my son. It doesn't mean I still don't grieve for him. HE WAS MY SON. The heartache pain will still be there.
I've been hearing from people around me, including family to get on with my life, it was the past now get on with it. Some of the people, including family may never had children and to those who does still DOES NOT GET IT. I had one sister who told me you have known for years he was going to die. Yes, mentally you are prepared for it, but emotionally you are not. And until this day, she still DOES NOT GET IT. You just can't get over the loss of your child. That boy was in my life as his mother for 25 years. We were like two peas in a pod. We went to places, we did things together. We experienced things together. We took care of each other. And spiritually we grew together. So until you have a child who has died, you really won't ever get it. And that heartache pain that you will really experience, will never go away.
And the next person who tells me he was in the past and to move on, if I slap you, you will know why. Don't you ever tell a mother who lost their child to move on. Every parent who has lost a child will tell you the same thing. Grief counselors will tell you the same thing. Until you are a parent and/or have children and loose one, you will NEVER understand the pain, the heartache of the loss. You will never understand how that changes you in so many ways.
He may have only been in your nephew. He might had only been your grandchild. He might have only been your cousin or he might have only been your friend, but he was my son. MY SON. The one that laid in my womb for 9 months. The one that I bore pain for in delivery. The one that I raised and took care of even through my most difficult times. Tim stuck it out and I stuck it out and it wasn't until I changed the way I thought, the way I felt, until I changed and transformed my brain and body, with Timothy witnessing this, then things started to change in his life for the same.

Yesterday, I needed to grieve since it was the Saturday (Sabbath) he passed on but I was to busy helping Judy and her family with their family crises, Today I decided enough is enough I need to grieve.

I am just so tired of it all. I am trying to be there for people emotionally- but no one wants to just listen to me, my pain. my own experience and if you choose not to get me and where I am emotionally and spiritually then I don't what else to do. I had there for my family even they didn't ask me to. Maybe because with most I get it. I understand not only their pain, but I also may understand what they are experiencing. Maybe they don't want to understand me and my experience, but I DO understand what most are experiencing.

I choose to not let the enemy (Satan) snuff my spiritual light out. If my family and friends don't want me around or don't want me to belong, that is fine. I will find my emotional and spiritual support else where. People who will lift me up, (encourage me, talk to me like an adult, pray with me, and help me grow with God), and not allow people who will tear me down (talk behind my back, spread lies, criticize me, tear me apart, gossip, spread false rumors)
Today, I grieve for the loss of my son. The candles are lit in my room - around his urn, near his pictures. I held his urn in my arms as I wept and laid next to him with the girls. Its 1:36pm- one year ago today, Tim is now gone. I had laid in the bed with him in my arms when he passed. Today, I laid in his bed with his urn in my arms as I wept and grieved over the terrible loss.
Timothy will NOT be forgotten.
His life may have ended, but Timothy's LIGHT will forever shine.
"There is going to come a day when you see my name shining brighter than
it ever has before. There is going to come a day when this path I walk
will a little more clearer. But until it happens I keep moving on
through all the misunderstandings and missed chances. It hasn't slowed
me down. The only thing you have to decide is how long you want to be
part of the ride. Because I'll never miss the living, you're still
around, so many means for me to hear your voice, to say your name. I
only miss those who've moved on from this realm, to a world we cannot
comprehend. So decide right now, do you want to see how this all will
-Megan R. Yates, 2015
Timothy Michael Bird
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