It has been a rough last week of the month for me. There had been ups and downs, but no matter what, I know things fell in place in God's hands, not mine. As a human, it is my nature to think, feel and know differently, but in every step up and every mistake down, there is a lesson to learn, a lesson to grow, challenges that will help make me a better person.
First of case I failed to document it learned that the lesions in my lungs are mostly all gone. with the exception of one or two that has decreased in size. The good news, they were not cancerous. Pulomonologist thinks they were inflammation. You know I did my happy dance. Second, the pet scan showed no cancer showed up anywhere in my body. (yes I still did my happy dance). Still waiting to hear from Neurologist but as of yesterday, the MRI does not show cancer either. God has been good to me..very good. I can't complain. I have no reason to complain. So yes, if you like - you may do the happy dance too.
On Tuesday, I really had an challenging experience. But I also had a learning experience. I saw what evil can do to humans. The sad part, they don't even see it or realize it. They have fallen into the trap of decietfulness. I had the opportunity to go to the Rick Scott Rally...yes that is Florida's Governor Rick Scott. He wants to be re-elected. However, the last four years have been pure hell for Florida. Worse than when Jeb Bush was here and much worse than Charlie Crist.
I quietly sat on the floor below the media camera's. Minding my own business, not saying anything to anyone. Although I had just met several of the Republican County commissioners. I observed people around me, their behaviors, their tone, their excitement. I know they all had good intentions to why they were there, but sadly they all have been deceived, lied to, misled and they were to blind to see this or even to deaf to hear the truth.
I wanted to record the event, catch what he was saying or what was being done. Confirming what most of us believed in. But I always wanted the challenge to see how wrong we could be too. I knew what my beliefs were. I knew what my own opinions were. I knew with this, NO ONE - not even money, nothing could convince me otherwise. I had to stand my ground, even if at the time I felt I was the only democrate in the room full of Republicans. At that time, I felt like Daniel in the den of lions. I had to pray. I needed God's protection, but His blessings and favor too.
I knew for sure one thing...Why did Rick Scott kill my son? (and the thousands of disable children /adults on disability) Why did he kill the medicaid expansion- the need to help our ill family members. Or did he care at all? No...he didn't get it- not at all. He has never had to experience it or had a love one experience it, because if he did, he would NOT-HE WOULD NOT allow anyone else suffer from it either. So all he was saying are lies!
The excitement of the room as people roar of cheer as he entered the room. He spoke a little bit while others did in between.. hearing a few things that he said were false, but I only spoke out once..." that is not true, that is a lie" and that one remark caused pain -physical (and emotional) pain from Rick Scott's staff. And the idiots forgot that I was recording all this.
The young lady that was sitting on the floor with me, suddenly stood up. She slowly kept creeping onto me-then in front of me; and before I knew it, the photographer behind the camera/tripod was on top of me too. they kept closing in. I observed how the two was planning to close in more and by using the tripod as well. When they were caught, and knowing how guilty, the male photographer told me to " go away' like not to pay attention to them. I think they thought I was stupid. When they closed in on me again, I got aggravated and pushed my way through and scootch myself forward me, making a remark how rude and disrespectful they were. I suddenly started feeling chest pains and my right him was hurting. I somehow continued to video tape the ralley till the end.
Listening to Rick's wife tell their story was wonderful. I really did enjoy that. I don't know how true it was, but i have to expect it was. But the look in his eyes as he stared down at me. That evil look. I know he was thinking bad thoughts of what he would like to do to me, but guess what? one thing, I was still video taping the event, even at times when he was not speaking I paused the recording. That is my one regret.
When it was over, I noticed how quickly young people closed in on me and stood around me. I tried to get up, and with no help. The male photographer made a remark about my hand and I responded how he hurt me. He claimed he did not touch me. But he did, maybe he didn't realize it, but he did. Once the female staff tried to quickly pass me I also made a comment to her, again she denied it and acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. I reminded them this was on video.
(having problems uploading Video)
The owner asked me to leave, and I had no problem doing so. (I later saw him outside his restaurant and apologized to him what happened and explained, he understood. He was upset because he was told there would only be a small amount and there ended up much more than he was told ). I went out side to where the bus was and found one more Democrat standing out there with a sign. I was so happy to see her. (I later found out she help set up Charlie Crist rally the next day...and that she sings!! :) ).
As usual there has to be one who will maybe what I consider stepping over the boundaries but after watching the video, I realized in a way I was too when I constantly yelling about Tim;s death. Only it was just not about Timothy- it was about the thousands of children and adults who were on disability without proper treatment and care due to the Medicaid cuts. Thousands who were loosing out because of this one man who claims that he knows what it is like to live on welfare, etc...etc.. maybe...but not as a disable person or child. He just didn't get it and probably never will. Or anyone else who follows him. They choose to remain blind and deaf to the truth and reality of this.
All I can say is that Judgement day is coming and they will have to answer to God.
My son,Timothy died from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. But that was the small percentage of what children out there who die from different diseases everyday. Do they deserve to die- No!! Unfortunately we live in a world of sin where diseases take upon us, however when man kind contributes to the death, then I have the choice to stand and be my son's voice. We as parents and caregivers do. Its our obligation to use our God-given talent and use our voice in any way we can...but within reason. I know I had stepped over my own boundaries, and maybe because I felt that voice needed to be heard.
They thought they were the loudest. They thought they could keep their signs in my face and push me away. But God gave me the strength and I pushed my way forward and made sure Timothy and the thousands out there who needed to be heard was heard and yes, even seen. Why did you kill my son Rick Scott...not just Timothy but every child and adult who lost due to Rick Scott's actions. " son." represent every son and daughter out there.
On Wednesday I went about to finish the campaign for JUDY'S HOUSE for November 9. Then I went to the Charlie Crist ralley. That was fairly a good experience. However, I found myself focusing on what happened at the Scott Ralley when I honestly should had asked Governor Crist if he would like to pray for God's blessings.
Well today is now October 31. The last day of October. Tomorrow is Saturday November 1. It just dawned on me about something. So I ask for your prayers. Tomorrow is (Sabbath) Saturday, the first day of the month. Timothy passed away on Sabbath, March 1. Nothing like six (6) months to the date of this loss.
I have had a lot of losses the last six months. And a lot has happened to me the last six months too. I have chosen a new beginning for my life, and even though things have not always fallen into place as I would had liked, I know God has a wonderful plan for me. I just need to keep trusting Him. He's got it all in the palm of His hands.
If you would like to help with Judy's house for November 9
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