Yesterday, right before I was about ready to go into my MRI, I received a call from Emily, at Streetlight. Streetlight is a program at Shands hospital by the UF students who are there for children and adolescents with life-threatening illness. I remember when they first approach Tim. It was around 2007 or 2008. Through out the years we would get the most friend and inspiring youth that would come and spend time with Tim. Not just in the hospital but also at home. He needed this. It was welcome in our home anytime Especially the on young man that I literally had a crush on. Neal. Whenever he would call, I would happily and excitedly invite to come over to be with Tim. Any day. Any time. He even helped us with a PSA for Timothy. Come on over. Until this day, even with Tim gone, I still stay in contact with Neal and those at Streetlight.
Any how- the call from Emily. Emily was the young lady who read a letter at Tim's memorial service for Neal. But she called to tell me that they had a Memory box of Timothy that they wanted me to have. I could not believe what I was holding. A memory box - Streetlight was remembering my son. The messegs, the photos, the post cards all for Tim. Ohhhh I pray he too can see it and hold it. People are starting to get it- Tim is now gone and his legacy is that he came here to live his dream.
Johan van der colf I remember from my Academy days. Although short, he was still cute. But he was such a sweet guy. His brother Chris was there too (we knew him as Hienrich then). They were also known as the little "troublemakers" but it was the good troublemakers. Oh I wish my brain was not so bad, I know I have had good memories of Johan. I'm just so sad to hear that he has passed at a young age. Johan was a EMT flight attendant and the helipcopter crashed. It had killed the passenger, then a few days later, Johan's partner passed. The pilot has survived and we thought Johan would too, but sadly he passed from complications of his injuries.
R.I.P. Johan...we will miss you!
Not soon after hearing about Johan, I learned that Jerry Eller, a former staff of the Academy that Johan and I attended (but many years before) had also passed away from Pancreas Cancer. Its like to many people I know are passing from this. He is about the 3 or 4th so far from the same disease. But I will always remember Jerry is with his wife, Yvonne. ITs always been known as Jerry and Yvonne. its like the two were hitch at the hip.
The two had worked o hard for their land and life style. They had 4 beautiful children and their lives were so active. But always busy between the two farms.
But one thing for sure, Jerry was in love with the Lord and he was a dedicated worker and Christian for the lord. No doubt about that. No matter how deep their troubles maybe, God always helped him out of it. And I know he died in peace with God.
R.I.P. Jerry Eller
2014 was full of losse. It just doesn't end. Its
funny how life puts us into situations that somehow teaches us about
ourselves. Are you still looking for that "somehow" is? I know I am.
But I know pretty soon my "a-ha" moment will suddenly appear.
As I was going through box after box in my storage unit, I kept running into things that would remind me of Timothy. Its was like I was now in a crying mode. his hand writing, his smiles, him playing with others, his handmade ashtrays, no matter what it was, .it felt like he was there with me
I now know Jesus is really coming soon. My heart is thrilled about it and each day I know God has his arms opened for me to do His work.
Remembering Tim. Now remembering Johan and Jerry. And most importantly, remembering Jesus.
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