Be a Spark

Be a Spark!!! A flicker of light. A beam of light. All to share...a light- a gospel to be shared to others in the world that they may know it.   Most of the time, it is the light- the gospel of Jesus Christ and His wonderful love, acceptance and even forgiveness.

But this light is different. It is a gospel, but NOT the Gospel. It is the gospel of how we as parents who lost our son's to Duchenne Muscular dystrophy.  To bring awareness of how this devastating, this incurable disease will do to our boys lives...even to our own lives.

It is a scary world out there, and even more frighten
when we hear that our son's most likely won't live to 21, but for Chris Jones and his family and many more families out there is sad when their son's passed away before they are 11 years old.  I was blessed that Timothy lived to be 25, and we have known some who lived to their mid 50's which is rare-very rare...  I'm not sure if that made it harder.  But no matter how old our boys get, it is just heart breaking that our son's die so young from this disease that our community knows it as...Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

There are so many families out there who are fighting....FIGHTING..fighting so hard for this pill, this treatment, this cure for their boys. And although it may be to late for many, there is still a fighting chance for many more out there.  Many raising funds for research. Many raising funds for Awareness. Many spreading the gospel of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy...because it NEEDS A VOICE!!

There  are organizations out there,  they all have a purpose, a reason to why they do it.  Perhaps Pat Furlong would had not created, PARENT PROJECT if it had not been for two boys who passed from this disease. Or perhaps Debra Miller, or Cathy or Nadine or ... oh my goodness, the list goes on that these parents would not be doing what they do if it had not been for their son's & their struggles with DMD.  The many mothers and fathers who may use Facebook groups or Yahoo groups or wherever to share their SPARK...their LIGHT to not only educate, but to teach about it,  and to bring  AWARENESS about the disease and their struggle to find that cure to save their son's life before it is to late.

While yet, there are many of us who still spread this SPARK...this LIGHT...this GOSPEL, because although it is to late for our boys, it is not to late for thousands of other boys.   Chris Jones has been using his God gifted skills in the media to not only talk about his son's journey, but to bring much more awareness through out the world and yet his SPARK...Mitchell's LIGHT is through his blog, MITCHELL'S JOURNEY .    I have been using my SPARK...Tim's LIGHT not only through my blog, but a new website to not only pray, but hoping to get a DUCHENNE MEMORIAL WALL built to remember those who fought the battle and lost to the disease.  REMEMBERING TIMOTHY...(

What makes it so sad that many have heard of it, but do NOTHING about it. Its worse when it is your own family or friends.  They just stare at it and do nothing. They don't fight for your son, or nephew, or grandchild or even friend.  Then suddenly your son is gone, they have regrets.  Uh-ha. That regret doesn't have to be there if you had done something before. But yet, unbelievably, we still have regrets that we could had done why didn't we?

Have you googled it? Have you learned more about it. If so, today...are you sharing your spark of light and beaming that awareness?   What can YOU do to help us save our son's lives? Or do you choose to stare at it...& do nothing.

As Chris Jones shared in his blog, and now I have in mine...BE A SPARK! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful entry, my friend. Fight on! Spark on!

    You are loved. (((hugs)))
