Journal- May 13

Its hard to believe its the middle of May already.  The move has been accomplished. All my stuff is locked up in a storage unit, my dogs and I are visiting a friend in Jacksonville and soon will be on my way to Miami to visit family. 

Needing this rest has been much needed, but my mind is still racing. Some place to live, a job some kind of dignity.Well when it comes down to it  when all the traveling is completed, all the visitations are done, I realized I still will not have my own home, my own address, nor my own bed to sleep on. I found myself to be "homeless" for now.  

I'm so exhausted.  My body hurts, my mind hurts, my emotions are like a roller coaster and my soul hurts. Not because of whom I'm visiting but because of what happened before the visitation. I'm still in shock that Tim is gone.  

I have packed up the home I shared with Timothy.  Many of his things (medical equipment and supplies) have been donated back to CMS or to Dr. Harman for her Vent camps or the Mission trips. I hated to do it but I just could not drag that around with me. I know there are more families who will so much need of it then I would in a storage unit.  The furniture I was going to dump end up donating it to a church member who needed furniture.  The apartment has been cleaned and vacuumed and spackle...& video taped!   

The dogs and I packed up what we immediately need and due to the dizziness/unbalance feeling, I could not drive to Jacksonville. So after my visit to Sprint, unfortunately our family cat was giving back to the Humane Society. I so much hated to do this. But I could not take her with me.  We spent a night at a cheap hotel and headed up to Jax the next morning to be with one of my dearest friends.

Well I am going to go sit out in the back patio and enjoy the sweet warm Florida weather....time to rest again.

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