Journal- Wow Weekend

June  25

It doesn't seem possible that 12 days have passed already and I'm seeing how much I'm slacking off with my blogs.  I don't know where to begin other that the great highlight of my life recently is spending 5 days back in Gainesville and seeing my wonderful church family again. In which two were so sweet to sponsor my stay at a hotel for 3 nights, and another allowed me to stay at their home for night which was a treat x's 10.

Let me first say that my surgeon didn't think I needed surgery however they were concern to why I was still having loose (and I say that mildly) stool. I also told them I was taken the Metamucil 3x's a day and it at least controlled more.  She decided to refer me to a GI to have this looked into further.  By the time I got checked into the hotel, I was out like a light. I was so exhausted. I had done the unthinkable again and between my body and my brain, neither wanted to function any further.

 The girls and I laid at the park after getting into Gainesville a little early.

 In the morning, I got up and got ready to see my primary doctor and took the dogs for a walk. That appointment was a sucess as well. Although the last time to see dr. Teagan.  He was now finished with his residency and now moving his family to the Carolina's and was going to work for the VA up that way.  I have known Dr. Teagan for a number of years and between Tim and I had had been a great help.  I will miss him...his six foot whatever and his strawberry blond hair.  His friendliness and his compassion to help his patience.  I encouraged him to spend more time with his kids and take them camping and out more and never have regrets.  I see him as one day of having a successful & brite future.

On Friday, the Henry boys and I dug through several of my boxes, desperately trying to look for my college transcripts but because the way the guys packed the storage unit back in May I was not able to go through any more of my boxes. I had wanted the storage until to be specifically packed to make it it easy for me to find things when needed too, but of course, when you are talking to men, who have selective hearing, that is near impossible to get what you wanted.  Although we were able to find certain things, we never found my college transcripts.  Guess whose gonna have to make some calls!

The boys & I talked about treated them with a McDonald's chocalote/strawberry milkshake (and man that was good) after we waited  to the Road Service came through to jump my truck. Yes..I left the keys and radio on way to long.  My bad! .

After driving them home, I took the dogs back to the hotel and debated whether I should jump in the pool or not. I have not been in a pool in years especially since my stroke.  Even when I was at the Beach in Jacksonville, I was being careful. I was not sure what my body can do with the weakness and numbness. I really didn't want to take the risk, but at the same time it was hot as hell.  (well not that hot, but you know what I mean! lol)

After tricking the dogs, I found my slowly walking down the little stairs into the pool. It felt good. It was not cold, but it was not warm water either. I stayed in the low part for a bit, then I hung onto the edge and pulled myself over n' over around the pool.  I knew I had to be careful in the deep end, but I also knew the risk may also help me strengthen my left side weakness.

This is what I had needed all these years and why I didn't do anything or recommended for it, I'm not sure. Finally I decided to try something. Praying for God's help, I found myself swimming on my own with no help of a ledge or a rope to the other ladder. maybe less than 30 feet.  I could feel the weakness for sure on my left side, but I also felt that tingling through my legs and arms. It was more than just weird. I mean after all these years of feeling tingling, this was just totally a  different kind of weird tingling.  I struggled with the swimming acrossed. I needed to do this. It was less than 30 feet. Come one, swim woman, swim!

I made it to the ledge, took a deep breath. Wow. Scary. Really scary. Not like I was going under but yet the fear of going under, the fear that my arms or legs will stop stroking or kicking.  But at the same time, Wow!!! I did it. I did it! Yes. I can hang on to the ledge and just complete the pool or I can swim back to the other part of the pool, to the other ladder. I needed to do this. And if anything was to happen, there were plenty of other people sitting around. yes a strange thought.  So I just did it.  I slowly found my way back to the other side of the pool.  And yes....there was that WOW!!! but yet, there was that weakness again and that tingling. Ok so now this is the second time I have felt this, so this was no imagaination.

I should had emailed my doctor about this, but I left it at that.  I know for sure of one thing, I  slept like a baby.

In the morning, I got up early, loaded up the truck, took a nice warm shower, dressed for church and checked out.  I had spent the early morning hours making arrangements with some church members for my children's story.

When I got to the church, I had to set up the dogs in their crate and went to find my staff for the children's story. Once I set them up for their parts, I was so happy to reunite with so many of my church family. It was so good to see so many of them again.  I felt bad that I didn't get to see a few as hoped but so glad to see some of my favorites.

The Children's story was a success.   I just love sharing stories with the kids there. We have so many beautiful and smart kids there. They love to pray.  I shared on the story on David and Goliath...with the thanks of Caleb and Matt for being my David and Goliath.  Sometimes I think the adults enjoyed it more than the kids!   I shared with them this story because I wanted them to understand that they can overcome their obstacles and how much God can be good to them even through their struggles. But I told them how their parents right now is their stone and sling shot to help them and as they grow older how God will help them put their obstacles that may seem to be good like Goliath.

Of course, as always, the potluck was delicious.  The dogs and I found a nice place in the back to lay back and rest outside in the sun.  The children loved to come and play with the dogs.  I later had the chance to visit more with (church) family and attended the evening concert.

That evening after a delicious fundraising meal, I went to stay at a friends house. It was dark so I could not see their back yard, but in the morning when I let the dogs out, OMG!!!!!!! talk about heaven.  You want to listen to nature's symphony orchestra.  I never in my life heard something so beautiful, so glorious, so wonderful.  You can sit there all day and just thank God over n' over for His wonderful love for each of us.   I was like I didn't want to leave and ohhhh I wish so much I should had record it for you to hear.   Amy and Wade really don't know how much they are blessed to not only have a beautiful family but a beautiful home too.  And the location of the home was right on the spot.  God had been too good to them.  now you want to talk about a WOW!!!  the swimming pool experience was NOTHING comparing to what I heard that morning.

Do you know that song, " This is my Father's World "   The Greens need to get a recording of their early morning Choir sung by their bountiful of birds that chirp beautifully there and use it as a back ground with this song...with their daughter, Bethany singing it.   Yes, it was an orchestra of birds singing in their back yard...and done so well & so beautifully.   It really was done so heavenly.

And with that I am leaving you with a song Bethany sang in church this last Sabbath...Enjoy!

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