Journal - Healing from the loss of a Son

Sadly, another DMD Warrior has passed. Scott Sands, only two (2) days from his 48th birthday. One of the two oldest men with DMD to have lived as this long.  Now both men are gone.  It is sad. It is wrong.  This disease is killing our men and boys faster than they can find that cure. A cure I think is there but they don't want to reveal it. Why? Money. Its all about the money. Not the lives of people, but greed.

However, the proof of providing proper care and treatment shows that it can give prolong life to our boys/men.  You just have to have GOOD doctors and EXCELLENT nurses along with great PT/OT & RRT's.   If they all work together as a team, yes there is proof of prolong life. Scott proved it and so did Tom.  

I have been debating to go to Scott's funeral.  I need to go to show respect to the family as well  from the DMD community. But it is at the same funeral home as Timothy. So will this help me with healing from the loss of Timothy or will it take me down this long winding road of despair and more depression with much more grief.  Which I don't want.  I DO NOT want this to be about me even if I am a mother still (heavily) grieving the loss of my own son from the same disease.

The shockness of Tim's death is wearing off and I am feeling the grief all the more. Its time I start to see a counselor over this grief.  Until you loose a child of your own, people will never understand that grief and the real pain you feel in your chest. The pain of heartbeaking of a loss. It is not the same pain you feel when loosing a parent or a cousin or any other relative. It is a different kind of pain. 

What would you do? 

I just found this song on facebook for a friend who was in a bike accident.  This song I am sure will be leaving a healing impression for Drew. But I really needed this for me too. For my own healing, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally too. Spiritually as well. Wow!!! Perfect.

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